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Clientes de Correo Electrónico

Protects against the following threat(s):

The email clients we recommend support both OpenPGP and strong authentication such as Open Authorization (OAuth). OAuth allows you to use Multi-Factor Authentication to prevent account theft.

El correo electrónico no proporciona secreto hacia adelante

When using end-to-end encryption (E2EE) technology like OpenPGP, email will still have some metadata that is not encrypted in the header of the email.

OpenPGP tampoco admite secreto hacia adelante, lo que significa que si te roban la clave privada a ti o al destinatario, todos los mensajes anteriores cifrados con ella quedarán al descubierto: ¿Cómo puedo proteger mis claves privadas? Considera la posibilidad de utilizar un medio que ofrezca secreto hacia adelante:

Comunicación en Tiempo Real



Thunderbird logo

Thunderbird es un cliente de correo electrónico, grupos de noticias y chat (XMPP, IRC, Matrix) gratuito, de código abierto y multiplataforma desarrollado por la comunidad Thunderbird y, anteriormente, por la Fundación Mozilla.



Configuración Recomendada

We recommend changing some of these settings to make Thunderbird a little more private.

These options can be found in SettingsPrivacy & Security.

Web Content
  • Uncheck Remember websites and links I've visited
  • Uncheck Accept cookies from sites (1)
  1. You may need to keep this setting checked when you're logging in to some providers such as Gmail, or via an institution’s SSO. You should uncheck it once you log in successfully.
  • Uncheck Allow Thunderbird to send technical and interaction data to Mozilla

Thunderbird-user.js (avanzado)

thunderbird-user.js is a set of configuration options that aims to disable as many of the web-browsing features within Thunderbird as possible in order to reduce attack surface and maintain privacy. Some of the changes are backported from the Arkenfox project.

Plataforma Específica

Apple Mail (macOS)

Apple Mail logo

Apple Mail is included in macOS and can be extended to have OpenPGP support with GPG Suite, which adds the ability to send PGP-encrypted email.


For those using macOS Sonoma

Currently, GPG Suite does not yet have a stable release for macOS Sonoma.

Apple Mail has the ability to load remote content in the background or block it entirely and hide your IP address from senders on macOS and iOS.

Canary Mail (iOS)

Canary Mail logo

Canary Mail is a paid email client designed to make end-to-end encryption seamless with security features such as a biometric app lock.



Canary Mail only recently released a Windows and Android client, though we don't believe they are as stable as their iOS and Mac counterparts.

Canary Mail is closed-source. We recommend it due to the few choices there are for email clients on iOS that support PGP E2EE.

FairEmail (Android)

FairEmail logo

FairEmail is a minimal, open-source email app which uses open standards (IMAP, SMTP, OpenPGP) and minimizes data and battery usage.



GNOME Evolution (GNOME)

Evolution logo

Evolution is a personal information management application that provides integrated mail, calendaring and address book functionality. Evolution has extensive documentation to help you get started.



K-9 Mail (Android)

K-9 Mail logo

K-9 Mail is an independent mail application that supports both POP3 and IMAP mailboxes, but only supports push mail for IMAP.

In the future, K-9 Mail will be the officially branded Thunderbird client for Android.




When replying to someone on a mailing list, the "reply" option may also include the mailing list. For more information see thundernest/k-9 #3738.

Kontact (KDE)

Kontact logo

Kontact is a personal information manager (PIM) application from the KDE project. It provides a mail client, address book, RSS client, and an organizer.



Mailvelope (Navegador)

Mailvelope logo

Mailvelope is a browser extension that enables the exchange of encrypted emails following the OpenPGP encryption standard.



NeoMutt (CLI)

NeoMutt logo

NeoMutt is an open-source command line email reader for Linux and BSD. It's a fork of Mutt with added features.

NeoMutt is a text-based client that has a steep learning curve. It is, however, very customizable.




Por favor, ten en cuenta que no estamos afiliados con ninguno de los proyectos que recomendamos. Además de nuestros criterios estándar, hemos desarrollado un conjunto claro de requisitos que nos permiten ofrecer recomendaciones objetivas. Sugerimos que te familiarices con esta lista, antes de decidir utilizar un proyecto y realizar tu propia investigación para asegurarte de que es la elección ideal para ti.

Requisitos Mínimos

  • Apps developed for open-source operating systems must be open source.
  • Must not collect telemetry, or have an easy way to disable all telemetry.
  • Must support OpenPGP message encryption.

Mejor Caso

Nuestro criterio del mejor caso representa lo que nos gustaría ver del proyecto perfecto en esta categoría. Es posible que nuestras recomendaciones no incluyan todas o algunas de estas funciones, pero las que sí las incluyan pueden estar mejor clasificadas que otras en esta página.

  • Should be open source.
  • Should be cross-platform.
  • Should not collect any telemetry by default.
  • Should support OpenPGP natively, i.e. without extensions.
  • Should support storing OpenPGP encrypted emails locally.

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