Welcome to our Online Privacy website!
This site provides tools and resources to help you protect your digital privacy & gain digital freedom.
There are also archives of other privacy websites incase they were to be taken down or if people were prevented from viewing them. These are mainly unofficial but should be preserved.
Let's start with some information about digital privacy.
The 'ol "I've got nothing to hide" thang....
Privacy is NOT secrecy. You don't have to have something illegal or bad to want privacy. People have curtains, not because that are doing illegal/secret activities but to prevent anyone from peeking in on their daily lives. It's intrusive and offputting.
Imagine someone standing at your window just looking at you and whatever it is that you are doing.
Wouldn't feel good would it? No. Definitely not. You'd probably be upset or mad and yell at them to stop and go away.
Well.....THAT is the tech companies. They're the ones peering in at you through the window, only it's through your devices and online habits.
I read something from an online source that was quite an eye-opener. It was:
"Don't confuse 'privacy' with 'secrecy'. We all know what happens in the restroom/toilet, but we still choose to close the door. That's because we want 'privacy' not 'secrecy'."
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